Davis Behavioral Health is a private, non-profit corporation providing behavioral health services to residents of Davis County with mental health issues. We employ psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, addiction professionals, social workers, therapists counselor and nurses, as well as a full spectrum of support and administrative staff. We provide clinical psychology, therapy sessions, assistance with relationship issues, couples therapy, substance abuse help and much more. Each member of the DBH team makes an important contribution to the success of the entire organization and the people it serves.
Provider Directory Outpatient Provider Bios Click here to verify the licensure of our providers
Group: Davis Behavioral Health, Inc.
Administrative Office: 934 South Main Street, Layton, Utah 84041
Locations: Click for facility addresses.
Telephone: 801.797.3102
Website: www.dbhutah.org
Accepting New Members: Yes
Cultural & Linguistic Capabilities: Medicaid enrollees have access to skilled medical interpreters for all languages, including American Sign Language (ASL).
Cultural Competency training completed by all DBH employees
Davis Behavioral Health is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. To request a reasonable accommodation prior to an appointment, please contact us at 801-797-3608 or via email on the CONTACT US page. Reasonable accommodations may include but are not limited to interpretation in a variety of languages, qualified readers, and extended time to complete forms.
Davis Behavioral Health is the contract provider for Medicaid-qualified consumers in Davis County. In our effort to provide an extensive continuum of care, it is sometimes necessary to refer clients to a provider outside the DBH agency. These providers contract with us and are held to the same high standards of client care that are required of all our employees. Click below for a list of contracted providers.
Davis Behavioral Health Contracted Providers Directory
Excluded Parties List System
Excluded Individuals and Entities
Blocked Persons
The same policies and forms are used by both DBH employees and contracted providers. Access them by visiting the Policies and/or Forms pages.
Any information provided electronically can be made available in printed form within five business days. To request hardcopies, call DBH at 801-797-3608.
© Davis Behavioral Health.
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