Have questions? We have answers. Browse these FAQs for answers to the most common questions we receive. Can’t find what you’re looking for here? Contact us. We’re always happy to help! And if you are concerned about your or a loved one’s mental health, please contact our 24-hour Crisis Hotline at (801) 614-2829.

About Davis Behavioral Health

Do you offer telehealth services?

Behavioral Health

Where can I learn more about behavioral health services?

Does Davis Behavioral Health provide psychiatric (medication management) services?

Can family members participate in the treatment process?

How long will I be in therapy?


Will my insurance plan be accepted?

What if I don’t have Insurance. Can I still get help?

Mental Illness

What causes mental illness?

How common is mental illness?

What are the most common types of mental illness?

What are the common signs and symptoms of mental illness?

Can mental illness be prevented?

Once I’ve identified mental illness, whom do I contact for help?

Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

What is outpatient mental health treatment?

What are outpatient mental health services?

Does Medicare cover mental health outpatient services?

What is intensive outpatient treatment for mental health?

Residential Treatment

What is residential treatment for mental health?

How much does residential mental health treatment cost?

How to pay for residential mental health treatment?

Does Medicare cover residential treatment for mental health?

Substance Abuse

What is substance abuse?

Is substance abuse a disease?

What causes substance abuse?

Can substance abuse cause bipolar disorder?

What are the common signs of substance abuse?

Does Davis Behavioral Health treat prescription drug and other opioid addiction?

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