PreK & Elementary School Students

Appointments for youth preschool to 6th grade can be scheduled for Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

Thank you for your interest in participating in Davis County’s Mental Health Screening Night for Youth. This event is a free opportunity for preschool to 6th grade aged youth to meet with a mental health professional at Davis Behavioral Health.  A parent must participate with their student.  A separate registration is required for each child that will be participating.

An online screening survey will be sent by email a few days before your appointment and should be completed prior to meeting with a clinician. The screening will address social and emotional needs and strengths, depression, anxiety, trauma, and safety concerns.  The screening is not a full psychological evaluation and a clinical diagnosis will not be made.

At the appointment, youth and their parents will have the opportunity to:

  1. Meet with a mental health professional to review the online screening survey and talk about if follow up is needed. 

  2. Meet with a community connector for help accessing services to meet your child’s needs 

  3. Visit community resource tables

If you have any questions about the event or trouble registering please call Angie Smith @ 801-336-1742.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el evento o tiene problemas en registrarse, llame a Lali Quiballo al 801-525-4946.


Would you like to put your child’s name on a waiting list? If so, click here.

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