Davis Mindfulness Center

Davis Mindfulness Center

Are you or someone you love feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or depleted?

Come take a mindfulness class to learn how to actively engage in and improve your ability to take better care of your own health and well-being. Discover peace of mind, a sense of balance, and the ability to manage and enjoy life.

take a class mindfulness based stress reduction

MBSR Course

take a class mindfulness based stress reduction

Learning to Breathe
for Adults

resources mindfulness based stress reduction

Learning to Breathe
for Teens

testimonials mindfulness based stress reduction


resources mindfulness based stress reduction

Audio Recordings

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating awareness of what is happening in the present moment in a way that is compassionate, nonreactive, and nonjudgmental. It’s an innate ability we all have, though the mind gets conditioned to be everywhere else—caught up in thoughts about the past or worry about the future—except right here.

What is the Davis Mindfulness Center?

The Davis Mindfulness Center aims to cultivate community resilience through mindfulness training and wellness education. A place where community members will actively engage in and improve their ability to manage and enjoy life, and develop and strengthen inner resources for coping, growing, and healing.

Take a Class

Benefits to Mindfulness Practice

This summary was adapted from The State of Mindfulness Science, an article published in Greater Good, the online magazine of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center.