The data below is available for professionals and community members; it can be used in grant proposals or as needed for other projects.
The Data and Resource Assessment Workgroup collected and analyzed data on the youth in our area. Then, with input from key leaders and the community, they identified priority risk factors to address, as well as community strengths to build on. The Community Assessment Report details the results of this work.
The SHARP survey
The Layton CTC uses The Utah Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) survey is the most comprehensive source of information on the challenges and opportunities our youth face. The SHARP survey is administered in the Spring (between February and May) to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, every other year (2023, 2025, etc.) offering a changing snapshot of our community, along with new and persistent risk or protective factors.. Each school district and charter school is invited to participate in the SHARP survey in the early Spring to early Summer of the year before the survey will be given. School districts will decide to participate in Spring 2024 for the 2025 survey. The school district superintendent makes that decision. This survey is evidence-based and used to measure changes in youth behavior over time. The SHARP Survey measures 29 risk and protective factors that directly affect young people’s risk of drug and alcohol use, violence, school dropout, depression, and other problems. Our coalition focuses our efforts on building all of the protective factors and several priority protective factors. More information, including the data findings are public and can be found on the SHARP official website.
To get the most complete picture of our community, the Data Assessment Workgroup also collected data from other school district data sources upon request not covered by the survey.
Local Youth Data
In October 2024, the Layton Communities That Care (CTC) conducted a set of listening sessions as a part of a community assessment on the topic of youth substance use and mental health. Many thanks to the parents and youth who supported and participated in the listening session. In these listening sessions, the Layton CTC Coalition requested to hear testimony from students on the current experience of youth in our community related to mental health and substance use. A report of the findings are able to be accessed here: 2024 Youth Listening Sessions Data
Local Assessments
State of Utah Data
National Data