The following programs have been selected to address our community’s prevention focus areas:
Summary: Learning to Breathe™ is a research-based mindfulness program for adolescents, focused on strengthening teens’ capacity for stress management, compassion, attention, and emotion regulation; ultimately reducing the risk of depressive symptoms. This curriculum is taught by trained mindfulness instructors from the Davis Mindfulness Center at Davis Behavioral Health.
Audience: Youth 11+ and adults
Timeframe: 12, 30-minute sessions taught once a week or 6, 1-hr sessions taught once a week
Currently, this program is being implemented within 6th grade classes in our local elementary schools.
We are piloting a community-based program this year and may be open to community participation next year.
Summary: The Circle of Security Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. In this class, participants will learn to read a child’s emotional needs, support a child’s ability to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of a child’s self-esteem, and trust their innate wisdom and desire for a child to be secure.
Audience: Parents with children of any age.
Timeframe: Once per week for 8 weeks, 1.5 hours each session. Childcare will be provided each week.
These classes will be available tentatively the summer of 2023.
Summary: The Social Development Strategy fosters the success and health of young people from before birth through every stage of development. In this workshop, adults learn how to provide youth with opportunities, skills, and recognition to strengthen the young person’s relationship with their family, school, and community. Strong bonds can help our kids live healthy lives.
Audience: Adults who regularly interact with kids.
Timeframe: One time 90-minute workshop.
Summary: A workshop where adults learn four things, they can focus on every day to help the kids in their lives weather tough situations and be the best version of themselves. Also available in Spanish.
Audience: Adults who regularly interact with kids.
Timeframe: One time 90-minute workshop.